Drawing and Design Lab
Our Drawing and Design lab Equipped with latest version of Auto CAD and Pro-E, Catia
V5.Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing Lab have more than 20 numbers of systems for
designing the machine component and simulating the programs for our requirement. Practice on CAD
commands for 3D drawings, practiced on Solid Rendering, produce parts in CNC Lathe and Milling
Equipments in the Lab
- Computers System (20)
- Auto CAD Softwares
- Pro-E Creo Parametric 2.0
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Lab
Our Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery lab is well equipped with Bernoulli’s Theorem
Verification Apparatus, Orifice Meter Apparatus, Venturi Meter Apparatus, Orifice and Mouth Piece
Apparatus, Pipe Friction Apparatus, Centrifugal Pump, Reciprocating Pump, Jet Pump Test Rig,
Pelton Wheel, Pneumatic and Hydraulic Kit.
Equipments in the Lab-
- Minor Losses in Pipe Fitting Apparatus
- Centrifugal Pump Test Rig With DC Motor
- Reciprocating Pump Test Rig With DC Motor
- Bernoulli’s Theorem Apparatus
- Venturimeter Apparatus
Measurement and Control Lab
Our department has well equipped Measurement and Control Lab to make the various
measurements. Modern types of instruments are introduced to improve the knowledge of the students.
The following metrology equipment’s are available: Vernier Height Gauge, Digital Vernier Caliper,
Micrometer, Depth Gauge, Digital Micrometer, Sine Bar, Bevel Protractor, Slip Gauges, Mechanical
Comparator and Pneumatic Comparator etc.
Equipments in the Lab-
- Dial Gauge Indicator
- Vernire Caliper
- Dial Vernire
- Vertical Height Vernire
- Depth Gauge
- Screw Thread Micrometer
- Wire Gauge
- V-Block
- Straight Edge Gauge
- Filler Gauge
- Angle Plate
- Slip Gauge
- Sine Bar
- Bevel Protector
- Combination Set
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Lab
This Lab has all essential equipment’s and models with Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Testing RIG, Various Type of Compressor Models, Ice Plant Testing Rig, Refrigerant charging
Machine to perform various experiments.
Equipments in the Lab-
- Model of Fin Type Tube Condenser
- Thermoelectrically Sealed Compressor
- Model of Thermostat
- Model Of Evaporator
- Working Model of Mini Refrigerator
- Domestic Refrigerator
- Air Conditioner
Thermal & Power Lab
Our Thermal Laboratory is equipped to meet the basic requirements of the students. It has Engine
Cut Sections, Air Compressor Test Rig, I.C. Engine Test Rig, Morse Test Rig, Visco Meter, Flash and
Fire Point Equipment’s, Bomb Calorimeter which imparts the knowledge about performance,
characteristics of Diesel and Petrol Engines.
Equipments in the Lab-
- Model of Evaporator
- Model of Bourdon Tube Pressure Gauge
- Experimental Setup of Thermal Conductivity of Metal Rod
- Cut Section Model Of Radiator
- Model of Condenser
- Model of Plate Type Heat Exchanger
- Two Stage Reciprocating Compressor
- Four Stroke Four Cylinder Petrol Engine Test Rig
- Four Stroke Diesel Engine Test Rig
- Exhaust Gas Analyzer
- Model Of Locomotive Boiler
- Model Of Babcock Wilcox Boiler
- Model of Cornish Boiler
- Model of vertical Water Tube Boiler
- Model of Cochran Boiler
Theory of Machine Lab
Our Theory of Machines lab is well equipped with different types of mechanisms like Model of
Single Slider Crank Mechanism, Stock Yoke Mechanism, Model of Crank and Slotted Lever
Mechanism, Model Of With-worth Return Mechanism, Beam Engine Mechanism, Wheel and
Sprocket Mechanism and different types of clutch and Brake models like ,Model of Diaphragm Type
Clutch, Model of Multi Plate Clutch, Model of Centrifugal Clutch, Model of Cone Clutch, Model of
Disk Brake, Model of Internal Expansion Shoe Brake, Model of Band Brake, Model of Single Shoe
Brake, Model of Cam And Follower.
Equipments in the Lab-
- Model of Diaphragm Type Clutch
- Model of Multi Plate Clutch
- Model of Centrifugal Clutch
- Model of Cone Clutch
- Model of Disk Brake
- Model of Internal Expansion Shoe Brake
- Model of Band Brake
- Model of Single Shoe Brake
- Model of Cam And Follower
- Model of Single Slider Crank Mechanism
- Stock Yoke Mechanism
- Model of Crank and Slotted Lever Mechanism
- Model Of With-worth Return Mechanism
- Beam Engine Mechanism
- Wheel and Sprocket Mechanism
Additional Workshop
Our Additional Work Shop is well equipped with the Equipment’s like CNC Milling Machine, CNC
Lathe Machine, Vertical Drilling Machine, Lathe Machine, Model of Automotive vehicles Etc. Which
Helps Students to get Extra Knowledge about Workshop Practice and Maintenance.
Equipments in the Lab-
- CNC Milling Trainer Kit
- CNC Lathe Machine
- Lathe Machine
- Vertical Drilling Machine
- Bench Vice